
What's the FamZoo Sign?

The Sign for FamZoo: The eyeSocial ChallengeSo, you run into Anne Reuss at a marketing conference, and you want to tell her about your really cool startup.

How do you do that?

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention: she’s Deaf. And there’s no sign language interpreter in sight. Word-of-mouth marketing is not gonna cut it here. As Anne would “say”, you’re going to have to do a little word-of-hand marketing. Get creative. Move outside your comfort zone.

That means you’re going to have to step up to the eyeSocial Challenge. Here’s the crux of the challenge lifted from Anne’s page:

Create a sign that will be representative of your start up company, brand and even social terms... Record a quick video to post on YouTube so we can boast your work, and share on my Facebook page.

Challenge accepted! My ten year old son and I picked up a few American Sign Language basics by browsing the video signing dictionary on ASLPro.com. Then, he helped me put together the FamZoo video response to the eyeSocial Challenge. Here it is (be sure to watch “past” the end for a little chuckle with the bonus outtakes):

Did you like it? If so, scroll down this list of eyeSocial Challenge participants, find our entry, and give us a big thumbs up! And check out some of the other fun signs, too!

PS: If you’d like to see a real pro sign and learn something about good old fashioned customer relationship along the way, watch Anne in this video:

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Mama Marlaine aka The Blog Post Author

LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! I confess I attempted to turn up the volume when first listening :) Thank you for your refreshing adventuresome spirit, winning son, and placing an enormous smile on P20 "MOM's" face this am. Hugs!

Bill Dwight aka The Blog Post Author

Marlaine, thank you for watching and for leaving such a nice comment. I had the same reaction with the volume, and I made the video!

It is fascinating how much we rely on each sense - like hearing - and how odd its absence feels.

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