
Inspiration From the Youngest Member of the FamZoo Fan Club

While I have been furiously coding away, my youngest has been busily drawing up his own interpretations of FamZoo. He proudly presented me with the following:

I love them. Thank you Mr. Q! Very inspirational. Makes it all worthwhile.

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Bill Dwight aka The Blog Post Author

Actually, I suspect he is negotiating his allowance in a clever, subtle way; but, you're right, I may be able to use this for my revenue projection model as well...

Head of Housing aka The Blog Post Author

Hi Bill,

As I was interested in putting together a family social networking site( www.famijam.com ) over the past few months, I was keeping tabs on the work you were doing in case you were developing into my competition.

I see that you are not :) although there is plenty of other competition out there for me.

However, I am now intrigued by your application, and would love to be able to use it to manage my family financial goals and other things as well. Please let me know if you are accepting beta testers!

Thanks! And keep up the good work. The interface looks stunning!

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