
FamZoo Upgrade Details for Monday, October 12

We just performed a minor upgrade on FamZoo today which includes a few bug fixes, some changes based on Charter Family feedback (thank you and keep it coming!), and a little behind-the-curtain stuff that only engineers could love and appreciate.

We plan to do this weekly leading up to our public debut.

Here are some of the details of the changes:

A Little More "Pop" on The Overview Page

The original colors on the Overview page made the section titles difficult to read when not hovering over them with the mouse and gave the whole page a bit of a "washed out" look (thanks for the feedback Selina).

Here's what it looked like before:

And, here's what it looks like now:

Where Do I Sign Out? How Do I Contact FamZoo?

Several members remarked about not being able to find the Sign Out link. We've put it in the obvious place now (the upper right corner of the page), so you don't have to go hunting for it. We also added a Contact Us link right next to it and made some minor labeling changes in the upper navigation links for clarity.

Here's what it looks like:

What's With the Tab Labels?

Our tab labels would get messed up every once in a while - like this:

Sorry, we fixed that.

A Few More Words of Wisdom

We added a few more classic mottos to our gallery from the likes of Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin.

Note: We'll add some more avatars in the next week or so (thanks for the detailed suggestions there Steve).

How Do I Get At My Family Mottos?

We suggested you add some family mottos from the Family tab in one of our recent emails, but there aren't many clues in the UI about how to do that (thanks for the feedback Selina). We added an entry in our "How Do I...?" popup for that:

Other Stuff

Some other little stuff:

  • Changed terminology when editing/deleting recurring checklist items to use "future" instead of "later" (thanks for the feedback Steve)
  • Fixed a 1 pixel alignment problem with the rightmost tab that was really bugging us
  • Fixed some alignment issues with how checklist item details are displayed
  • Reimplemented the upper logo and top margin graphic to make things look better when images load up slowly. Similar fix for avatars in the right sidebar.
  • Did some behind-the-curtain work to further automate the deployment of our upgrades

Keep Those Suggestions Coming

Thanks for all your suggestions so far. We'll keep inserting them into our development queue and work them into the product as soon as we can.

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