
Personal Finance Tip from an 8 Year Old: Don't Let Your Dog Eat Your Money

A little personal finance tip from an eight year old with a piebald dachshund who likes to shred anything within 36 inches of the floor: Don't leave your cash lying around. Put it in a bank for safe keeping.


OK, so maybe these days the probability that a bank will eat your cash actually exceeds the probability that a miniature dachshund will eat your cash, but in normal times, I think the advice is generally sound!

Credits: The cartoon is courtesy of my 8 year old son who wandered into my office while I was fiddling around with some illustration concept ideas inspired by the cool work of Betsy Streeter. He came back a few minutes later with his take on the value proposition for FamZoo.

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Michelle Skamene aka The Blog Post Author

It is so wonderful when the kids get behind our projects! Aren't they just the best inspiration? Please tell him his drawing is great. :-)

Bill Dwight aka The Blog Post Author

@Michelle: Yes, they're definitely the best inspiration! (And, he appreciated your compliment - He's sporting a big smile!)

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