
What are your favorite family mottos?

Did you know that you can add your own “family mottos” to FamZoo? They’ll show up in the right hand sidebar just beneath your family’s avatars. Your mottos might be favorite family sayings or famous quotations that capture the essence of your family values, goals, spirit — whatever you like. If you have more than one, they’ll rotate each time a family member visits a FamZoo page.

Here’s a screenshot of a motto we’ve just added to our family. It's one of my mother-in-law’s favorite quotations.

Motto Display

You can set your mottos up under the Family tab. Just look for the Mottos link in the Viewing section on the left hand sidebar.

Mottos Link

Clicking on the Mottos link brings you to the Mottos listing page.

Motto Listing Page

Click on the Add link in the Actions section to add a motto. This takes you to our Add Motto form where you can type one in directly or grab a “classic” from our Motto gallery.

Add New Motto Form

Back on the Mottos listing page, if you want to edit or delete an existing motto, just fly over it with the mouse and click on the desired action icon (pencil for edit or trash can for delete).

What are some of your favorite family mottos?

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