
Where's My Allowance? FamZoo Featured on Biz Kid$

FamZoo Featured on Public TV Show Biz Kid$FamZoo is featured on a new episode of the Daytime Emmy nominated public TV series Biz Kid$. The two-and-a-half minute segment shows how "Chief Zoo-Keeper" Chris uses the FamZoo-powered “Bank of Beaufort” to teach his two teens — Taryn and Evan — personal finance skills.

Highlighted concepts include:

  • Dividing an allowance to balance between near-term spending, long-term saving, and charitable giving
  • Allowing kids to learn through hands-on trial and error
  • Paying off a loan for a large purchase — a laptop in this case
  • Taking on extra jobs to pay off debts quickly

Check your local public TV listings for Biz Kid$ air times in your area. Look for the episode named "Where’s My Allowance?".

If you’d like to see the two-and-a-half minute FamZoo segment by itself, you can watch it right here:

Do your kids watch Biz Kid$? Tell us what they think of the show in the comments below.

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