
Weekly Family Finance Picks (#21)

We’re constantly scouring the Internet looking for articles related to family finances and teaching kids good personal finance habits. You can visit the FamZoo delicious page to see our ever growing list of family finance bookmarks. Each week, we pick our favorite articles from the previous week and post them here.

The picks for this week are:

A Father’s Acceptance: His Son Won’t Be Following His Ivy Footsteps

Worried about the path your child is on?

College is looming somewhere out there in the distance for your kids. Ever fretted about the path your child is on? Do you find yourself comparing it to your own? Who doesn’t, at least just a little...

You’ll appreciate this thought-provoking essay in the New York Times. Check out the follow up post as well which responds to some of the best reader comments on “high-octane” parents and their “blessedly decaffeinated” kids.

Charity: How to Teach Your Kids to Give

Sometimes, the concept of charitable giving is just way too abstract for kids. How can we make it less mechanical, more human, and more tangible? Stacey provides some good suggestions here.

Two other suggestions that might fit well with your family:

The Above and Below Average 529 Plans

Considering opening a 529 account for your child’s college fund? Jennifer summarizes the latest Morningstar ratings to help you choose the best 529 plans and avoid the worst.

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