Weekly Upgrade: Secure Forms and Purchase Confirmation

After today's upgrade, you'll notice that our secure forms (like our sign-in and payment pages) now prominently display a lock and the word SECURE in the upper right corner. It looks like this:

(Click to enlarge)
Remember, these are the pages that perform encrypted communication between you and our servers over HTTPS.

We've also been working on the last of the payment related pages for subscriptions - like this final confirmation page:

(Click to enlarge)
Just a few more items to go before we open things up to the public in the new year.

Enjoy the holidays!


Weekly Upgrade: HTTPS Deployed, Twitter Facelift, Wish List How-To

We continued working on subscription support last week and most of the stuff is pretty under-the-hood or still in the early design-phase.

But here are a few visible items:

HTTPS on our Production Site

We deployed the HTTPS work that we talked about last week on our production site today. The most obvious place you can see this is on our sign-in page. Here's what it looks like in the Google Chrome browser when you click on the lock to the right of an https URL:

(Click to enlarge)
Twitter Facelift

Lea gave our Twitter background a nice facelift to match our brand appropriately. Here's what it looks like:

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Come follow us!

Wish List How-To

We posted step-by-step screen shots for creating a Wish list on FamZoo and sharing it with other family members.

(Click to enlarge)

Works great for holidays and birthdays - check it out.


Weekly Upgrade: Secure Payment and 57 FamZoo Fans

We took a little break from our weekly deployments last (Thanksgiving) week, but we're back in action this week and continuing work on our subscription support.

Secure Payment

We'll be supporting two payment methods for subscription billing: PayPal or major credit card. In the first case, we'll redirect you to a secure PayPal page where you'll sign in to make the purchase. In the second case, you can enter your major credit card info directly without having to create a PayPal account. The form looks like this:

(Click to enlarge)

To keep your information safe, we transmit it over the Internet securely using HTTPS (another thing we got working this week). We don't actually store your credit card info on our site either; instead, we pass it along to PayPal for safekeeping. These guys are about as focused on security as you can get, so we're happy to hand over the responsibility to them.

57 FamZoo Fans

Thank you for becoming our fans on Facebook! With the extra fans, Facebook let us upgrade our fan page URL from our original unwieldy one to the short and sweet facebook.com/famzoo

Stop by our fan page and tell us what's on your mind (err, umm, with respect to FamZoo that is ;-)