Haley's Weekly Family Finance Picks (#8)

This is entry #8 in a weekly summer series by “guest blogger” and FamZoo summer intern Haley Dwight.

This week, I have just one top family finance pick:

Teaching Kids Financial Literacy by Dr. Michele Borba from her Reality Check Blog

Have you taught your child to track expenses or set a budget yet? If not, you aren’t alone according to popular parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba. Michele shares 7 solid tips for teaching kids about money management from her book The Big Book of Parenting Solutions

I especially like the suggestion to keep a spending log. I keep one for my clothing purchases so I can stay on track with my annual clothing budget and avoid impulse buys. Of course, I keep my clothing spending log in a handy FamZoo virtual account!

Spending Log for Clothing


Anonymous aka The Blog Post Author


You've done a great job blogging this summer. Congrats. Michele Borba is certainly correct in that being a good role model is job one for parents. But it's also important that they set spending limits by learning how to say "No." I touch on that in my post at :


Dan Kadlec

Bill Dwight aka The Blog Post Author

Thank you for stopping by to comment, Dan.

Here's a more direct link to your post:


BTW: Excellent parental advice in your post. I myself have a "vintage cell phone" (and holes in my jeans ;-)


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